FN stemmer om en palæstinensisk stat

Endelige rådslagninger om sikkerhedsrådets udkast til en resolution om afslutningen af okkupationen og anderkendelse af 1967 grænselinjerne som basis for en fredsaftale med Israel begyndte i går, oplystes det fra palæstinensisk side.

Den officielle palæstinensiske indstilling er, at der skal være en afstemning om resolutionen på onsdag, hvis der er garanti for 9 stemmer i sikkerhedsrådet.

Den palæstinensiske forhandlingsleder Saeb Erekat siger, at palæstinenserne vil prøve at opnå en afstemning inden årets udgang.

Erekat har fornylig afholdt møder i Cairo og Moskva om det palæstinensiske initiativ.




The draft Palestinian statehood resolution to be brought to the UN Security Council is not “constructive” and fails to take into account Israel’s security needs, a State Department spokesman said Monday in a clear indication Washington will veto the resolution if need be, “The Jeruslaem Post writes today”

The contentious resolution which calls for a full IDF withdrawl to the pre – 1967 lines by 2017and the establishment of a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital,was endorsed by the Arab UN delegations on Monday night. It was not clear when the resolution would be brought to vote.

The draft resolution “sets arbitrary deadlines for reaching a peace agreement and for Israel’s withdrawal from the West Bank, and those are more likely to curtail useful negotiations than to bring them to a successful conclution”, said State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke, according to Post”

The resolution fails to account for Israel’s legtimate security needs, and the satisfaction of those needs , of course,[is] integral to a sustinable settelement”, he added.

The spokesman’s comments came within hours of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying Israel expected the “responsible” members of the international community to adamantly oppose Palestinian efforts to have th UN Security Council impose an Israeli-Palestinian agreement that skirts the need for direct negotiations.

The Post went on to say that, Netanyahu’s comments came at the top of a meeting in Jerusalem with the Indiana Gov. Mike Pence frequently mentioned as a possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate. Jordan was scheduled to submit a revised draft of the resolution first presented to the Security Council on behalf of the Palestinians on December 17. It was not clear wheather the Palestinians had secured the nine votes needed to pass the resolution. But even if those nine votes were obtained , it is now almost certain the US would veto it.

The Palestinian chances securing the nine votes in the Security Council necessary to trigger a US veto would increase if it waited until january 1 to submit the resolution, because the composition of the Security Council then changes in its favor.

A Palestinian official in Ramallah admitted that currently only six or seven of the 15 Security Council members have promised to vote in favor of the resolution. Countries that were expectedto support the staehood bid include China,Jordan,Russia, Chad,Nigeria and argentina ,he said, according to this official

Richard Oestermann